Need a little extra help and encouragement to make smarter money choices?

Say buh-bye to financial stress in 2024 (well, really for forever).

Introducing the Confident Money Club:

The quickest, most efficient method to effectively manage your expenses, boost your savings, and confidently take charge of your finances, without the limitations of a strict budget.

Start using a proven plan for your money so that you start achieving your financial goals without the sacrifice.

Join now for $14.97

Join today for $14.97/month. Cancel anytime with one click.

One quick last chance to get this deal!


The Confident Money Club will:

  • Help you identify what emotions are tied to your spending tendencies.
  • Offer you the support you need to change the money habits that aren’t serving you so you can focus on attaining your financial goals sooner. (Hello?! It's June already... half the year is over! You can use this summer to get ahead!)
  • Help you stay sane and calm when something “goes wrong” with your money
  • Teach you how to build a savings account without feeling deprived (and keep it full). 
  • Get rid of the overwhelming “I stink at money” feeling you have every time an unexpected expense pops up. (Hello nail-in-the-tire I'm looking at you...)
  • Guide you in using your money in a way that aligns with your family's values

As a member of this exclusive club you'll...

The Confident Money Club is your secret weapon for money success

  • Gain an understanding that your money issues are not because of an "income problem" (and learn how to quickly fix them surrounded by a supportive group of friends on the same journey).
  • Make your savings goals fun (so that you are motivated to accomplish them and have more money each month).
  • Watch your savings account grow without feeling deprived (and still getting to use DoorDash & have that afternoon iced coffee).

You'll have access to financial resources and a supportive community of like-minded women who understand the unique challenges of running in a million different directions trying not to end up in the drive-thru lane every night for dinner.

Join today for $14.97/month. Cancel anytime with one click.


Need more specifics about what's included? Let's do it:

  • Personalized quizzes and FREE downloads that are not only FUN but help solidify what you're learning so that you "stack" savings concepts and GROW your knowledge (and your bank account).
  • Weekly topics that are broken down into bite-size chunks so that you can implement them in about 10 minutes.
  • Live videos (with Kati) to talk through a savings strategy or concept so that you can ask questions or get immediate feedback.
  • A community of friends who are working towards gaining financial success right along with you (without any judgey eye rolls because they truly know how it feels).

Are you ready to take control of your finances without sacrificing everything?

Join today for $14.97/month. Cancel anytime with one click.


Play this video to find out how the financial industry has been LYING to you all these years:

Grab a cuppa your favorite drink and let's chat for a second...

Hi, I'm Kati, I'd love to be your personal guide as we effectively manage your expenses, boost your savings, and confidently take charge of your finances (all while still being allowed to have an afternoon iced coffee and without being forced to live on a budget).

My strategies have been showcased by the Huffington Post, Clarke Howard, Woman's World Magazine (<<< that's nation-wide baybee!) as well as numerous other radio and tv media outlets.

When you get to know me, I'm just a crazy cat-loving mom who's trying to pay for my kid's college tuition, future weddings, and our family vacations, without using any credit cards.

I believe life is too short to be stressed out about money.

Got a question? Here's your answer:

Can my spouse join with me?

Yep! If you'd like to have your spouse on board, there's no better way than for them to see what's going on each day in our group. Your spouse (or anyone in your same household, moms, dads, adult children...) can be added to your account. Simply have them enter your email into the first question when they click to join our group (OR email us and we'll send them a separate link). We want your entire household to succeed with money!

Wait a second... how is this under 15 bucks. Are you trying to scam me?

There are a lot of scams out there, this is not one of them. I want to make sure you'll get your $14.97 back each month and think "What a STEAL!" Yes, several of my personal finance blogger friends charge $29/month and even $49/month, but this membership stuff is still new to me, so for now the price is $14.97/month. And when you buy now, you lock in your price so it will never go up (as long as you are a member).

How do I know it's for me?

Do you feel like you make good money, yet never seem to have enough? Then it's for you. Are you looking forward to taking your family on vacation, yet you're slightly worried that you aren't sure how to pay for it without using a credit card to fill in the gaps? Then the Confident Money Club is for you.

Can I find this information free online somewhere?

Nope! I made sure the strategies and challenges we will be participating in together are not on YouTube nor found with Google. They are directly outta my Kiefer household where my hubby and I have successfully paid off a TON of debt (easily over $100,000 when you add up the various times we were in debt). It was time for us to share our secrets with an insider group of people who are ready to get serious with achieving their financial goals.

Are you going to make me start a budget?

Short answer: Nope!

Long answer: I don't believe you have to budget in order to effectively manage your money, but you DO need to pay attention to your spending. So every week we'll encourage you to track your spending (with motivational exercises) plus you'll learn specific strategies to capture the low-hanging fruit to reign in your current spending and reach your money goal before you have to get your next oil change. ALL while surrounded by people who are also working towards similar goals. Have you heard this quote before? "A rising tide lifts all boats." That's what you'll experience in the Confident Money Club. 

Am I gonna have to bake my own bread?

Hahaha, nope! So many times the financial "experts" tell us we need to make everything from scratch in order to save money... but any mama I know DOES NOT HAVE TIME FOR THAT! We are NOT going to be grinding wheat nor baking our own bread. We are also not going to share recipes for "creative ways to eat rice & beans." But I might make you add water to your Bath & Body Works hand soap to extend the life without anyone noticing. 😎

When can I get started?

Right away! The membership course portal and group are ready and waiting for you to learn simple, yet life-changing, strategies to start growing your savings and confidently managing your money (without being forced to live on a budget). The accountability and support you'll get in the Confident Money Club is going to be unlike anything you've experienced before.

Do you have a refund policy?

None of us have time for empty promises of things that don't work. If you don't get actual results you can see, or if you don't feel the Confident Money Club helps you have extra money every month, or if you're not happy for any reason at all... simply cancel your membership by clicking a button under your account profile and never get charged again. Due to the nature of the payment platform, we cannot pro-rate or give refunds on past payments.

You need help to make smarter financial choices. Don't let another minute go by knowing success is right around the corner.

The Confident Money Club will help you reach your financial goals faster.

Join today for $14.97/month. Cancel anytime with one click.
